Hilti Tool Service Center


Faster repairs at no or minimal cost without hassle

By submitting your repair through Hilti Online or our mobile app, you can follow the status of your repair through every step in the process.


Repair Booking Guide

Step-by-step process guide to help you book your tools for repair

Track your repair tools online

Real-time visibility of each step on hilti.com.au

Tracking of your tool repairs made faster and easier. Whether you have an online account or not, follow your tool through every step of its repair. From requesting support to returning to your premises, on hilti.com.au, get a real-time view of the status of your device.


Can I book multiple tools for repair in one request?

Yes, you may select one or more tools for repair at one time ensuring productivity and efficiency.

Can I book both Purchased and Fleet tools for repair at the same time?

Yes, you can select from both Purchased and Fleet tools during the same repai request transaction. You can also request for a loan tool during this process.

Can I search for a tool using the Serial Number so I don't have to scroll down my entire list of tools?

Yes, you may use the Filter field at the upper right hand of the screen to search using Serial Number.

Repair Tools